
This session was one of those that I absolutely did not count as "work". I loved every single minute of shooting these two beautiful sisters. In fact, it was a good thing it finally got dark or I would have kept shooting, and shooting, and shooting. :) Thank you so much Trisha and Josh for sharing your sweet girls!!!  photo web7_zps6521e6e4.jpg  photo web6_zps9313fe0d.jpg  photo web2_zps32b9d708.jpg  photo Trisha-22web_zpsdfdffae6.jpg photo Trisha-29web_zps6f1d159c.jpg photo Trisha-1web_zps70c48a88.jpg photo Trisha-38web_zps631a2116.jpg photo Trisha-51web_zps4b235608.jpg
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Ruby Blue, inc. said...

This session touches my heart in so many ways. Absolutely a priceless treasure I will adore always. Thank you so much Nicole. You are amazing!!!!