In honor of "Superwomen"...

Oh my! Life can be busy to say the least. I am just shocked and amazed at all of the wonderful photography opportunities that have fallen into my lap the past several months. It has been amazing! I have worked with several old clients and met many new ones as well. I have been shooting 3-5 sessions a week for several months and am feeling very grateful and at the same time a little overwhelmed! I sincerely can not thank all of you enough for trusting me with pictures of your newborns, your toddlers, your families, your seniors, your brides and grooms, and on and on. I feel blessed to have each of you in my life.

As honored and proud as I am to have had my business become a success I am also very aware of the price that a family pays for a momma to be at "work" so much. Every working mother knows exactly what I am talking about. It is a bitter sweet! It is a very careful balancing act that we play to be a working mother. We want the very best for our business and clients. We also want the very best for our families and we feel guilty if either goes lacking. Many of us wear capes and try to believe that we are "super women" that can have it all and do it all. :) Surprisingly, we can't always run 8,000 miles in 10 different directions and have it all work out.

I am coming out of denial and admitting that my cape is starting to look a little tattered. Although all of the balls are being juggled in perfect order right now I know that if I continue to run at this pace they will not be for much longer. Because I want to continue to be the best photographer I can be and also the best mother I know how to be I am putting on the breaks. I will not be taking any new sessions for the 2012 year. I had originally posted that I would open fall scheduling on June 24th. I will no longer be opening sessions. I will still be shooting all of the sessions that are currently planned which will give me just the right amount of balance. :) It is a hard thing to admit that you are saying no to opportunities but I do know that this is the "right" way to run a business and more importantly a FAMILY!

Thank you for all your love and support. My family has been greatly blessed over the past couple of years by each and every one of YOU!


kelly said...

I admire you so much Nicole. You are so talented and have so much to offer everyone that I can't imagine how you try to juggle all of our "Nicole needs"! Good for you to do what feels best. . .I think the world of you!

Nicole Leavitt said...

I battle with this constantly! I am always trying to figure out the perfect balance! It's hard too because it's not like I have a job, that at 5pm I leave work and that is that. My work is in my home (as far as editing and accounting and what not) and so it's a battle of attention! Maybe some day we will get it all figured out right? Haha!

Ruby Blue, inc. said...

Nicole, I am so happy you are doing this for yourself and for your family. I think it will be good for your mind and even better for your soul!!! We better go get a pedi or something to celebrate!!! :) youre so amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Nicole-

I have been trying to do the same thing. It is too hard doing both mommy and photographer and then at the end of the day feeling guilty because I did not have enough time with my kids and realizing I didnt get all my work done either. I only take 1 client a week now, sometimes less if its a big one. I am excited and happy for you! Good job :)

the olsen family said...

Mosiah 4:27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

It takes courage to slow down sometimes, but our tiny dancers need us to. I promise - Batman grows up :( Be AWAKE through it!!

Nicole said...

Kelly, Nicole, Trish, Kelley, and Jen you have NO idea how much your words mean to me. Thank you for your love and support!!!

~: Angie :~ said...

There is a time and season for everything! As much as I love photography, I like my time with my kids more. With one out the door already, I realize even more how limited my time is with them, but still have YEARS left in my life to work on making pictures!