Introducing JACKSON!

Just as soon as "H" learned to talk he started telling us that he had a brother named Jackson. The imaginary Jackson has gone everywhere with us! If anything naughty has happened it was, of course, Jackson' s fault. "H" was just there trying to tell him to be good. You know how that goes, when you are always the one trying to do the right thing. It's hard work being the GOOD brother.

Well, I am thinking "H" must have finally determined that he was not going to get a real brother named Jackson so he designated the sock monkey to take his place. Jackson is now a monkey, but he is still "H"s full brother. :) They are buds most of the time. Occasionally Jackson does something naughty and "H" will tell me that Jackson is not his best brother anymore. Yes, there are times when I am not "H"'s best mom anymore too! I feel your pain Jackson.

On this particular day "H" asked me if I would like to take a picture of him and his brother. He told me he was going to read to Jackson and I could take pictures (if I wanted). Gee, how nice of them to set up a photo opportunity for me. :) What cute brothers they make!


udy inc. said...

what a personailty!! They are very Handsome brothers,

Callisters said...

I love it! He is so cute. I love his bedding also.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Nicole! Those pictures are darling!!!! Especially the one with just one little eye peaking out!

kelly said...

I would give my left arm for the talent you have to capture all those fun moments around your home. I'm lucky if I don't cut off their heads when I take a picture. I love how you can have all this magic to look at forever. Sigh. . . .

Jaci said...

I LOVE real life photos! So cute!

Nicole said...

Thanks everyone! I love your comments.

The Christensen Crew said...

i am so glad I finally got to see Jackson. I have wondered what he looks like. You can tell there brothers!!!!